Therefore we wrote DRAGON as a library that can be coupled to, e.g., DarkSUSY. we wanted to propagate DM originated cosmic rays.
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Therefore we wrote the code aiming at performances and with an efficient memory management.

Therefore, we kept in the code some features and models used in Galprop, like nuclear cross-sections, the gas distribution, the convergence technique. The second reason is that it is essential to be able to compare our predictions with that of the Galprop code, and this can be done only by following the details of its implementation. The first reason is that it is a waste of time to reimplement standard parts, like energy losses, in which nothing new has to be found. Some parts of DRAGON are built following GALPROP, v50p. To enable this feature, users may get close to the accurate solution by using the fast method, and then switch to a more accurate solution scheme, featuring the Alternating-Direction-Implicit (ADI) Cranck-Nicholson scheme. Occasionally, users may want to have very accurate solutions to their problem.

This provides fast a solution that is enough accurate for the average user. Diffusion Reacceleration and Advection of Galactic cosmic rays: an Open New code IntroductionĭRAGON adopts a second-order Cranck-Nicholson scheme with Operator Splitting and time overrelaxation to solve the diffusion equation.